May the Glasto weather gods shine down on us. Most Glastonbury newbies get really worried about the weather especially if the forecasts predict rain. In my many years going down to Worthy Farm I have had more problems with the sun than the rain. However, if rain is expected here are some tips for a wet Glastonbury.

Pack The Right Gear & Don’t Take Too Much
We can’t be all like Kate Moss. You are going to be living for 5 days on a working farm in Somerset. Forget the fashion parade and bring the right clothes.
No matter what the forecast is, I bring waterproof stuff with me. If I don’t need them, great but if I do I am going to be comfortable.
Don’t bring too much either. You will have to carry it all or drag it on your trolley. If it is muddy that extra bag of stuff you don’t need will break you.
But do bring lots Of Socks & Bin Liners. There is nothing worse than wet feet. The bin liners will be needed for the muddy clothes.
Take Walking Boots AND Wellies
Again, no matter the forecast, I take my walking boots and wellies, (plus flip-flops). My walking boots are super comfortable and waterproof. As I walk on average 35,000 steps a day at Glastonbury, my walking boots are my main footwear.
However, if it is a really muddy one, then Wellington boots will get you anywhere.
Leave Clean Clothes (including footwear) In Your Car
I do this even if it is sunny. Getting into clean clothes before the long drive back makes me feel a little more human.
Take A Camping Chair

I don’t care what the hardcore say, taking a camping chair is a MUST at a wet Glasto. They are quite light to carry around and you will always have a place to sit when you get tired. It is better than standing all day or sitting in the mud.
Make Sure Your Gear Is Waterproof Or Covered When You Are Waiting In The Queue
There is no point wearing waterproofs if all your other gear gets wet. Imagine a wet sleeping bag. So if rain is forecast for the Wednesday (or Tuesday night) make sure you have covered your gear with some kind of waterproof cover. This could be just bin bags. You could be in the queue for many hours so this tip is essential.
Camp Up High

The higher you camp the better. When you see past images of flooded tents at Glastonbury they tend to be all at the bottom of the fields. We always camp near the high ground to avoid this as much as possible.
Places to camp at Glastonbury Festival
Try To Avoid The Main Tracks & Plan Twice As Long To Get Anywhere

Walking between the main stages after a set has finished always takes long. It is best to wait 5 to 10 minutes to let the crowd disperse.
If it is muddy, try to take a longer but quieter way around to your next port of call. It might be less of a swamp.
Head To The Indoor Venues

There are a few venues and bars at Glasto that are indoors. Woodsies, Left Field, and The Acoustic Stage are some of them. Head to watch gigs at these places to get some respite from the rain (or sun).
The Pilton Palais, Cabaret and Circus tents also are covered. If you want dance venues then the NYC Downlow and Assembly the new venue in Silver Hayes is covered.
Relax In The Healing Fields

Go and have a massage or maybe meditate in the wonderful Healing Fields. Slow your pace down and you won’t care about the weather.
Make Sure Your Tent Is A Haven

Take off your muddy boots outside your tent. Have one dedicated area to put muddy stuff. Put clothes straight in a bin bag. Make sure your home for 5 days is a haven inside. You will feel better for it.
Help People

If you see people struggling, give them a hand. This is the Glastonbury spirit. You will soon forget about the rain and mud.
Embrace The Rain And Mud And Just Let Go

In Scandinavian countries, they have Wet Playgrounds for kids. These playgrounds are designed to embrace the wet weather they get up there. The kids love them. They jump in puddles, get soaked and come home full of mud.
Bring out your inner child and just let go. You are in the best place on the planet for this. For 5 days just be. I promise you when you get home on the Monday you won’t care what weather you encountered at Glastonbury. You will be thinking about the next one. (The shower does feel nice though!).
Do you have any tips for a wet Glastonbury? Let us know them in the comments section.
See you on the farm!
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